
Jan Svankmajer's Alice

When I went to a movie theatre the other day, I saw a preview of Tim Burton's remake of Alice in Wonderland (it's all wrong; Tim Burton's getting too old to make good movies anymore), I was reminded of another version of Alice in Wonderland that I had watched on the Netflix Watch Instantly section. Made in 1988 by the true master of special effect, the Czech animator Jan Svankmajer, this Alice was grotesque and phantasmagoric, but overall an interesting and more accurate interpretation of the story. The only actor in the movie being Alice and the rest of the characters fleshed out through stop motion animation, this film is a very isolated experience. The animation is so lengthy, I have to wonder how long it took to film this. I don't think this is a children's movie because it's far too eerie though never outright, in your face frightening. I'm not sure if I recommend this film, I enjoyed parts of it just because I love stop motion and the story of Alice in Wonderland, but the English dub and the narration is unnecessary and irritating, and the movie runs a little long. If you have nothing to do for a long time, and you have Netflix, you should check it out; it's probably a hundred times better than the Tim Burton crap that's going to come out.

1 comment:

  1. It seems as if "Alice" wasn't as good as I wanted it to be.
