

I got this link for this etsy shop off a forum. I've only bought a few things from etsy and figured that the site was mostly overpriced trash, but then I found this place. The designer(s?) have some really clever ideas for some ultra futuristic clothing. Their stuff is expensive, but the stitching looks professional, and all the pieces do look like they required a lot of manual labor.

This sweater is probably their most mainstream piece. The idea is incredibly simple but looks so cool and useful that I wonder why no one came up with anything like this before. I get the same feeling with all their clothing. The shapes are simple, geometric, the colors are standard roygbiv, but the resulting clothing is incredibly creative, interesting, and novel. The fits on some of the female clothing don't look too great, but most of their stuff is made of stretch material like jersey, so it should conform to most body types. The designer has original ideas. I hope they go somewhere instead of getting ripped off by UO or AA like they themselves described.


Latte Art

I would travel to any part of the world to drink a coffee so beautiful and delicious looking.


Story of the Eye

After reading that this was Bjork's favorite book when I was 14, I set out on a search for it. I could never find it any book store because it's not really a book, it's only about 60 pages, and places like Barnes and Noble never carried it. After a while, I forgot about it, but then I found it at a Barnes and Noble strangely enough. It took me about 30 minutes to get through this book which involved a few highly grotesque occurrences involving a few motifs: eggs, eyes, and urine. A number of scenes from this book were actually used in the movie "Weekend" by Jean-Luc Goddard, in only one scene, where a woman wearing lingerie describes some menage-a-trois she was involved in a sort of flat voiced crime drama manner. This was an incredibly influential piece of literature, and Georges Bataille an incredibly influential thinker. He does a great essay on Nietzche that I read, and other fine things that I have not yet read, like, The Solar Anus. Story of the Eye only becomes really clear once you learn about Bataille and his philosophy, his obsession with eroticism and the pineal eye, images that haunt him and will stay with you after reading this book. There are about five or more editions of this book, so they're all slightly different, all good.


Plague Doctors

I first saw this mask, called the "Medico Della Peste" (or Plague Doctor), on the band The Knife. Recently, I learned about them on some online forum. They were used during the outbreak of the plague to supposedly prevent contagion along with a uniform of white gloves, and a black hat and cap, very grotesque. The mask was used basically as a gas mask because they thought the nose provided proper filtration; there put spices in the mask as well to stave off the stench of the corpses that were everywhere during the Plague. It could best be described as the first hazmat suit. A great Halloween idea: I'll post an instruction manual for the mask.


Customized Doc Martens

Found this cool site alltop.com that has a big slideshow of all these different Designer and non-designer customized Dr. Martens. I thought these blue boots were really cool and futuristic and didn't seem too hard to make. Just requires some leather working tools. I just can't figure out how I would replace the soles like they do. I'm sure it would be pretty cheap to get a shoe repair shop to do it for me because I mean, I doubt they get much business anyway. If I do customize my boots, I'll put up the project when I've finished. I'll probably just end up painting on them with acrylics.

A Dog's Life

I was going to study for my Anthropology class, but then I realized, why study my standard, boring, categorical text books when I could just watch outdated documentaries and read books about explorer Bon Vivants in the 50's.

Mondo Cane was a 60's Italian documentary which catalogs the mot bizarre practices of humanity spanning cultures throughout space. I saw an especially grotesque scene of some tribal woman suckling a pig. Great stuff. More authentic than the politically correct crap I read in my textbooks. It also shows the more disturbing aspects of European culture like a formal dinner where the butler goes around emptying chamberpots attached beneath the chairs. A classic.

"Brutes and Savages". This isn't easy to find, I don't think it was published by any major publishing house, but it's a good one. Features glaring spelling errors and blatant mislabeling (of entire continents), this outdated book details the adventure of one explorer and his crew venturing into the heart of darkness. It also has some nice black and white photos of Arthur Davis with his various native correspondents decked out in full tribal wear. Very old school. Campy and also naively innocent of the world, a nice flashback into a gentler and more ignorant time.